Elemental tools for the design and automation
of 3D materials, assets and texturing.

Discover next-generation workflows for 3D materials and asset pipelines 

InstaMAT lets you tap into unprecedented workflows when it comes to working with 3D materials or meshes.
Whether texturing dazzling 3D assets using creative layering workflows or building procedural graph-based geometry processing pipelines — InstaMAT helps you achieve your vision. Discover fully scalable workflows that combine mesh, image and data processing that can easily yield 10x in cost-saving.

The limitless potential of procedural content creation.

Create breathtaking materials and assets with a sheer limitless number of variations that can be rendered at any resolution. The ability to quickly adjust dynamic properties saves you from compromising your artistic vision because you didn't find the right asset.

Learn more about the magic of procedural content 

The marvelous creativity of layer-based asset texturing.

The powerful and non-destructive layering engine allows you to create beautiful and scalable materials for your assets with a workflow that focuses on creativity. Leverage InstaMAT's Smart Materials and 3D Painting Technology to go from nothing to a fully texture asset within minutes.

Learn more about creative asset texturing 

The profound flexibility of graph-based workflows.

The powerful InstaMAT Element Graph enables you to design powerful networks of content and data processing nodes. From creating 3D assets to manipulating point clouds and images or performing mathematical calculations and string manipulations — anything is possible with the Element Graph.

Learn more about the power of the Element Graph 

The outrageous scalability of an automatic asset pipeline.

Imagine a fully automatic asset pipeline, where instead of texturing a specific asset, you're now texturing an entire class of assets using a previously established workflow. Both InstaMAT's Layering and Element Graph projects can be scaled and automated with InstaMAT Pipeline from a command-line interface or batch process.

Learn more about scalable asset pipelines 

The Possibilities?

InstaMAT offers thousands of features to fully cover your workflow needs when it comes to creating procedural materials, texturing your assets or building a fully automated asset pipeline. From procedural modeling to texture synthesis, you're guaranteed to be continuously delighted by what's there — and by what's possible.


A next-level experience.

InstaMAT Studio features a thoughtfully designed user-interface that offers a delightfully beautiful zen-like environment. InstaMAT makes it easy for you to get into the zone to unleash your creativity.


An incredible library.

InstaMAT ships with an outrageously sized node and content library. Thousands of handcrafted nodes and stunning materials are at your fingertips: from asphalt to wood, and from photorealistic to stylized.


Build looping and branching graphs.

Both InstaMAT's unique nPass Element and Atom Graph enables you to design self-repeating graphs that make anything possible from simulations to scatters.


Beyond Images - Geometry Nodes.

Design procedural meshes and point clouds with InstaMAT's exhaustive geometry node library. Unlock groundbreaking material workflows by combining image and geometry nodes in the same environment.


Create stunning materials from regular photos.

Quickly turn conventional photos into stunning procedural materials that open up a plethora of possibilities: from limitless variations using image synthesis to adding procedural dirt or dust.


Creative AI and image synthesis.

InstaMAT ships with AI and analytical synthesis technology that is capable of performing sophisticated image processing such as style transfer, super-resolution and inpainting.


Delicate GPU baking.

From ambient occlusion to curvature maps and everything else you need for texturing: InstaMAT's powerful baking engine runs on both the CPU and the latest GPU compute technology to deliver exceptional quality and sensational performance.


Deployments at lightspeed.

InstaMAT's deployment engine can send live results to your app whenever a change occurs, and custom export templates will ensure that it's in the image format you need. With the DCC tool plugins, you can adjust and generate your materials right there.

Productivity amplified.

InstaMAT revolutionizes your material and asset production with workflows you did not consider to be possible. No matter where or how you work, InstaMAT will fit like a glove and catalyze your ability to deliver.


The 64-bit C++ SDK enables developers with custom tools and technology to integrate our technology seamlessly into their software. Leveraging the InstaMAT SDK for your in-house application development is easy and painless.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT Pipeline

Easily perform a wide range of tasks from rendering materials, to executing Element Graphs or performing unit-tests on your material library. All without having to use a graphical user interface. InstaMAT Pipeline makes it trivial to super-charge your asset pipeline.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT for Autodesk Maya

Browse, render and tweak your materials and Elements right inside your shading network. A carefully designed user-experience ensures a high degree of productivity even when using InstaMAT for Autodesk Maya for the first time.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT for Autodesk 3ds Max

Import and adjust your materials and Elements from within the DCC tool. From the integrated material browser to the execution, InstaMAT for Autodesk 3ds Max has been smoothly integrated into the app with a native feel.

Available on PC Windows.

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InstaMAT for Unity

A perfect integration of powerful material and asset processing into the engine's sleek editor UI. Import and tweak your materials, or dynamically generate procedural geometry on the fly with InstaMAT for Unity.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT for Unreal Engine

Empowering game developers to build beautiful content faster and with less friction. From the built-in material library to high-speed rendering of materials and asset pipelines — your workflow is going to be amped up.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT Studio

Experience the best way to create procedural materials and assets, unlock scalable texturing and create data-driven asset pipelines. With a plethora of features and a massive library of nodes and materials — InstaMAT Studio will be all you'll ever need.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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InstaMAT for Blender

Introducing powerful material and asset processing to the popular open-source 3D modelling package. Easily browse and render your materials and Elements and adjust dynamic properties — all within Blender.

Available on PC Windows and MacOS.

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Ready to experience the next-generation?

Start your InstaMAT journey now! Both the free Pioneer license and the evaluation version get you unrestricted access to the entire InstaMAT technology stack: from material design to the creation of asset pipelines and scalable texturing and painting.